The Ramblings Of A Coder by Omer Anson

Duck-typing in C++, part 2

06 Jun 2018

In the previous part, I showed an example of a duck-typed function in C++. It bothered me that I have to recompile the code for every duck (due to template instantiation), and that I have to put the code in the header file. I’d prefer most of the code (except, say, adaptors) to sit in .cpp files.


Duck typing comes from the statement, ‘If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!’ Meaning to say: we don’t really care what the underlying object is, as long as it has these specific functions.

The general idea behind duck-typing is getting polymorphism-like behaviour without having to define a class-hierarchy. In the previous part, I introduced the following function (now moved and failing in polyutil.cpp):

template <typename T>
PolyUtil::Length<T> PolyUtil::circumference(T & p) {
	auto sides = p.sides();
	Length<T> sum = 0;
	for (auto & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();
	return sum;

With the header file (polyutil.h):

#ifndef POLY_H
#define POLY_H

#include <utility>  /* For std::declval */
namespace PolyUtil {
	using std::begin;

	template <typename T>
	using Side = decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides()));

	template <typename T>
	using UnqualifiedSide = typename std::remove_const<
				typename std::remove_reference<Side<T> >::type >::type ;

	template <typename T>
	using Length = decltype(std::declval<UnqualifiedSide<T> >().length());

	template <typename T>
	Length<T> circumference(T &);

#endif // POLY_H

And the main (in main.cpp, and it’s important to have them in separate .cpp files for this to fail):

template <typename T> struct Side {
	T m_length;
	Side(T length) : m_length(length) {}
	T length() { return m_length; }

struct Poly1 {
	std::vector<Side<int> > m_sides;
	Poly1(std::initializer_list<Side<int> > l) : m_sides(l) {}
	std::vector<Side<int> > sides() { return m_sides; }

int main() {
	PolyUtil pu;
	Poly1 p1({1,2,3});
	std::cout << pu.circumference(p1) << std::endl;
	return 0;

We get the following linker errors:

main.cpp:66: undefined reference to `decltype ((((declval<std::remove_const<std::remove_reference<decltype (*(begin((((declval<Poly1>)()).sides)())))>::type>::type>)()).length)()) PolyUtil::circumference<Poly1>(Poly1&)'

Why does this happen? Templated code in C++ is compiled for every template instantiation. As opposed to just once, when the code is encountered. Template instantiation happens only when the code is actually needed, e.g., when a templated function is called. In our case, when the function is called, the function code is no longer available to be compiled.

Second Solution

In this blog post, I’m going to try and find a solution to the compilation error above.

I should warn you, it ain’t pretty. (Unless you like this sort of thing.)

High Level

The general idea is to remove the templates from the code that will live in polyutil.cpp. This way, polyutil.cpp can be compiled once. The down-side is that we have to know the parameters in advance.

That’s not really a problem in C++. We can use abstract classes with virtual functions. The function works on the abstract classes, and their implementation has template parameters.

I’m going to compromise, and say that the implementation of these abstract classes can be in the header file. After all, it’s adaptor code, and not the actual logic.

That was from 10,000 ft. Let’s take a closer look.

Our original function looked like this:

template <typename T>
PolyUtil::Length<T> PolyUtil::circumference(T & p) {
	auto sides = p.sides();
	Length<T> sum = 0;
	for (auto & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();
	return sum;

We need to wrap T and Length<T> in an abstract class. Note that Length<T> is constructed in the function body. That won’t do. We can’t construct an abstract class - we don’t know its implementation.

We’ll solve that by passing an instance of an abstract class containing Length<T> as well. The adaptor code will hide this change. That is, the adaptor code will retain the original signature, and call the new function with its modified signature.

So T is wrapped inside an abstract class called TDuck. Length<T> in LengthDuck. Since TDuck and LengthDuck are abstract, we can get away with not passing the template parameter.

In the end, the function will look like this:

void PolyUtil::circumference(PolyUtil::TDuck & p, PolyUtil::LengthDuck & sum) {
	auto sides = p.sides();
	for (auto & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();

Note that there are a lot of steps to cover between having a TDuck (or T) instance, to actually knowing how to sum the lengths. If we walk through the function we see that:

	auto sides = p.sides();

We need an abstract class to contain the type of sides(). We’ll call it SidesDuck.

	for (auto & side : sides) { /* ... */ }

SidesDuck needs to have begin() and end() function members, which return the iterators. It says here that in C++11, these iterators must have the same type. So begin() and end() both return an IterDuckRef (more on that soon). Recall from the previous part that begin(c) and end(c) call c.begin() and c.end(), respectively, if they exist.

We’ll call the iterator (the result of sides.begin() and sides.end()) IterDuck. It will have to implement the increment and inequality operations to adhere to the reference. It’ll also have to support the dereference operator so that we can get a single side. The type of that will be a SideDuck. i.e. the iterator returns an instance of SideDuck when dereferenced.


	sum += side.length();

From the loop body, we know that LengthDuck’s += operator must accept the return value of side.length().

I sneakily skipped the following line:


The assignment operator was changed to a specialised construction member function. This is so that we can easily tell the difference between two cases: 1) The assignment operator is forwarded to the contained object. 2) The assignment operator should create the contained object. Instead of thinking up heuristics of what should be done when, it’s easier to just be explicit.

There are a few more requirements. For instance, we need to be very careful with the operations on the underlying objects (T, Length<T>, etc.). We don’t know what side-effects any operation may have. In C++. This even includes assignment.

A complete solution would also have correct memory management, i.e. the memory state will have to be the same as if the original templated function was called directly.

Lastly, we don’t always know if we’re going to get copies or references. It’s up to whoever implemented T (the template parameter) and its related objects. C++ gives us the tools to tell these cases apart (e.g., overloading, or is_reference), but we’re going to take the easy way out. We’ll assume whatever’s more comfortable for us.

I think this covers the high- and mid-level stuff.

Low Level

So, as we said, we need to define a bunch of abstract classes. Then we need to provide concrete implementations. The abstract classes can’t be templated, but the concrete implementations will have to be. Therefore, all these definitions and implementations have to sit in polyutil.h.

Let’s start with the abstract classes. The first one is TDuck.

struct TDuck {
	virtual ~TDuck() {}
	virtual SidesDuck & sides() = 0;

As I mentioned above, we have to make sure the memory management is done right. We can put that logic in the virtual destructor. We need it anyway since we’re using a class hierarchy.

Note that TDuck returns a reference to a SidesDuck on a call to sides(). SidesDuck is an abstract class. We can’t move copies of it around, since the compiler doesn’t know how to initialise copies of abstract classes.

This also makes it easier for us to be conservative with operations on the contained objects. As I said above, we have to be very careful with what we do to objects given to us from outside.

struct SidesDuck {
	virtual ~SidesDuck() {}
	virtual IterDuckRef begin() = 0;
	virtual IterDuckRef end() = 0;

As promised, SidesDuck has two member functions: begin() and end(), which return an IterDuckRef.

Those of you who were paying attention will note that SidesDuck returns a copy of IterDuckRef, and not a reference. You can also already guess that IterDuckRef will hold a reference to IterDuck. So what’s going on? What’s the point?

Basically, the magic around range-based for-loops chooses const_iterators by default. This means that using references will turn all our iterator references to reference constant objects. That’s not good for us. We want to hide away our magic inside these objects, whose const-ness has nothing to do with the original objects they are hiding inside.

This also gives us the small benefit that different calls to begin won’t interfere with one another.

Since we return a copy, and not a reference, to IterDuckRef, it must be a concrete class (not abstract).

struct IterDuckRef {
	IterDuck * m_iterduck;
	IterDuckRef(IterDuck * iterduck) : m_iterduck(iterduck) {}
	~IterDuckRef() { delete m_iterduck; }
	virtual SideDuck & operator*() { return **m_iterduck; }
	virtual bool operator!=(const IterDuckRef & other) {
		return (*m_iterduck) != (*other.m_iterduck);
	virtual IterDuckRef & operator++() {
		return *this;

As its name suggests, IterDuckRef holds a reference to an IterDuck (which holds the actual iterator), and forwards all calls to that reference.

As a final note on this, in C++17, begin() and end() are allowed to return different types. To make this very long example shorter, and allow it to be C++11-compatible, we’ll ignore that feature. We can solve this (allow the C++17 feature and be C++11 compatible) by holding another pointer in IterDuckRef.

This could have also been done by adding another layer of indirection in IterDuck. i.e. have IterDuck contain a BeginIterDuck and an EndIterDuck, each one holding the iterator returned from begin and end, respectively. There’s nothing that can’t be solved with another layer of indirection.

struct IterDuck {
	virtual ~IterDuck() {}
	virtual SideDuck & operator*() = 0;
	virtual bool operator!=(const IterDuck &) = 0;
	virtual IterDuck & operator++() = 0;

IterDuck (and IterDuckRef) should behave like iterators. The increment operator (operator++) allows us to move to the next element in the loop. The dereference operator (operator*) allows us to get that element, and the inequality operator (operator!=) allows us to test when the loop ended. In our case, we know operator!= it will only be called with the result of sides().end(), but I tried to keep it general.

struct SideDuck {
	virtual ~SideDuck() {}
	virtual LengthDuck & length() = 0;

We only use SideDuck to get the length. So length() is the only member function SideDuck has.

struct LengthDuck {
	virtual ~LengthDuck() {}
	virtual void __construct__(int) = 0;
	virtual LengthDuck & operator+=(const LengthDuck&) = 0;

LengthDuck is slightly trickier. If you recall, we changed the signature to get a reference to an instance of LengthDuck from the caller. Calling __construct__ should create a new instance, which will be the return value. Anything else should be forwarded to the contained object.

I think that covers the abstract classes. Now it’s time for the implementation.

Recall TDuck.

struct TDuck {
	virtual ~TDuck() {}
	virtual SidesDuck & sides() = 0;

The implementation is:

template <typename T>
class TDuckImpl : public TDuck {
	T & m_t;
	SidesDuckImpl<T> * m_sides;
	void clear() {
		delete m_sides; m_sides = nullptr;
	TDuckImpl(T & t) : m_t(t), m_sides(nullptr) {}
	virtual ~TDuckImpl() { clear(); }

	virtual SidesDuckImpl<T> & sides() {
		m_sides = new SidesDuckImpl<T>(m_t.sides());
		return *m_sides;

TDuckImpl is a concrete implementation of TDuck, with the template parameter T. We allow template parameters, since this code sits in polyutil.h, and is compiled every time it’s needed. This is our compromise.

TDuckImpl stores the reference to the instance of T, the argument to circumference (That’s our original function, a long time ago). It also implements sides(), which creates and returns an implementation of SidesDuck. Note that the only operation on the argument is calling m_t.sides(), and only when someone invokes the wrapping sides() method.

We know sides() will be called exactly once, and we take advantage of that. Otherwise, we would have had to handle the memory-management with some more magic, like std::shared_ptr, or yet another layer of indirection.

The next abstract class is SidesDuck,

struct SidesDuck {
	virtual ~SidesDuck() {}
	virtual IterDuckRef begin() = 0;
	virtual IterDuckRef end() = 0;

And here is the implementation.

template <typename T>
class SidesDuckImpl : public SidesDuck {
	typedef decltype(std::declval<T>().sides()) SidesType;
	SidesType & m_sides;
	SidesDuckImpl<T>(SidesType & sides) : m_sides(sides) {}
	virtual IterDuckRef begin() {
		return IterDuckRef(new IterDuckImpl<T>(::begin(m_sides)));
	virtual IterDuckRef end() {
		return IterDuckRef(new IterDuckImpl<T>(::end(m_sides)));

Pretty trivial. Contain the return value of sides() in m_sides. Here we assume sides() returns a reference. This is different from the previous part.

begin() and end() forward to ::begin(...) and ::end(...). This should take care of adhering to the rules of which begin/end functions are called first. At least in the general case where no-one is being smart and overrides these functions.

IterDuckRef is shown above, and all it does is forward to the IterDuck reference. Recall that IterDuck is:

struct IterDuck {
	virtual ~IterDuck() {}
	virtual SideDuck & operator*() = 0;
	virtual bool operator!=(const IterDuck &) = 0;
	virtual IterDuck & operator++() = 0;

The implementation is:

template <typename T>
class IterDuckImpl : public IterDuck {
	typedef decltype(begin(std::declval<T>().sides())) IterType;
	IterType m_iter;
	SideDuckImpl<T> * m_iter_deref;
	void clear() {
		delete m_iter_deref;
		m_iter_deref = nullptr;
	IterDuckImpl<T>(IterType iter) : m_iter(iter), m_iter_deref(nullptr) {}
	virtual ~IterDuckImpl<T>() {
	virtual SideDuckImpl<T>& operator*() {
		m_iter_deref = new SideDuckImpl<T>(*m_iter);
		return *m_iter_deref;
	virtual bool operator!=(const IterDuck & iterduck) {
		const IterDuckImpl<T> & other = static_cast<const IterDuckImpl<T> &>(iterduck);
		return m_iter != other.m_iter;
	virtual IterDuckImpl<T> & operator++() {
		return *this;

Again, mostly trivial. operator++ and operator!= are forwarded to the contained iterators (m_iter).

There is some magic around the dereference operator (operator*). We must return a reference (since SideDuck is abstract). So we carry the burden of memory management, where IterDuckImpl maintains a pointer to the last dereferenced object, and deletes that pointer upon every call to operator*. The client code maintains a single reference to whatever the iterator returns, so this is safe. But if the client code were to carry references across loop iterations, we would be in deep trouble.

IterDuck returns a SideDuck.

struct SideDuck {
	virtual ~SideDuck() {}
	virtual LengthDuck & length() = 0;

It’s implementation:

template <typename T>
class SideDuckImpl : public SideDuck {
	typedef decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides())) SideType;
	SideType & m_side;
	LengthDuckImpl<T> * m_length;
	typedef typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*(std::declval<LengthDuckImpl<T> >().m_length))>::type LengthType;
	void clear_length() {
		delete m_length;
		m_length = nullptr;
	SideDuckImpl<T>(SideType & side) : m_side(side), m_length(nullptr) {}
	virtual ~SideDuckImpl<T>() {
	virtual LengthDuckImpl<T> & length() {
		LengthType * l = new LengthType(m_side.length());
		m_length = new LengthDuckImpl<T>(l);
		return *m_length;

Here we assume that m_side.length() returns a non-reference. In the original code, the addition-assignment would have probably called the copy constructor. I say probably, since, if Length<T>’s operator+= expected a reference, and side.length() returned a reference, the copy constructor would be avoided.

To mimic this behaviour, we create a new LengthType object, and initialise it with the copy constructor. We don’t really have a choice. If length() returns a copy, the compiler won’t let us save a reference. That copy has to be stored somewhere.

As I said above, we could differentiate these cases with e.g. std::is_reference, but we’re taking the easy way out. This post has grown long enough.

Lastly, we put everything together. An adaptor function, with the original signature, looks like this:

template <typename T>
circumference(T & p) {
	LengthDuckImpl<T> result;
	TDuckImpl<T> duck(p);
	circumference(duck, result);
	return *result.m_length;

All it does is create a duck wrapper for p (a TDuck containing a T), create a duck wrapper for the result (a LengthDuck containing a Length<T>), and calls the non-template implementation.


Let’s recap on what we have done. We’ve rewritten our duck-typed function to accept a TDuck abstract class, instead of the actual duck. Note that the entire function is without templates. Otherwise, we’d run into the same issue.

We have created an abstract class to wrap every type of object we reference throughout the new function.

We then created implementations for each of these abstract classes. The implementations have template parameters.

Lastly, we wrote an adaptor function accepting the original signature, with the original types. The adaptor function wraps the arguments and return values, and then calls the rewritten function.

All in all, for 6 lines of code, we wrote approximately 200 lines of adaptor code.

This still won’t do.

I’m going to stop here. I wanted to have the 200 lines of adaptor code written automatically, maybe with a clang++ extension. That includes quite a bit of research, so this will take a while.