The Ramblings Of A Coder by Omer Anson

Duck-typing in C++

29 Apr 2018

Dynamically typed languages, such as Python, or Lua, have duck-typing. What about C++? In this post, I will try to bring duck-typing into C++.


Duck typing comes from the statement, ‘If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!’ Meaning to say: we don’t really care what the underlying object is, as long as it has these specific functions.

The general idea behind duck-typing is getting polymorphism-like behaviour without having to define a class-hierarchy. If we take, for instance, this code block from python:

def circumference(poly):
	sides = poly.sides()
	sum = 0
	for side in sides:
		sum += side.length()
	return sum

In this code, we don’t actually care about the type of poly. All we care about is that it has a method called sides that accepts no arguments. The return value of sides is also a duck: It only has to be iterable. It doesn’t matter if it’s a list, tuple, generator, or a pygmy marmoset handing out objects.

Even every object in the iterator is a duck. All we know about it is that it has a method called length that accepts no arguments. Since the summation expects numbers, length must return a number.

Now how would we do that in C++?

Suppose we have the following function:

int circumference(Poly & p) {
	std::list<Side> sides = p.sides();
	int sum = 0;
	for (Side & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();
	return sum;

This is all very nice, but what if I have a polygon that does not inherit from Poly? It has the method sides that behaves correctly, so where’s the problem?

(The Not So) Trivial Solution

Many of you have probably scoffed and said ‘Well, obviously, use templates!’ Well shame on you. Templates are never obvious. And this is no exception!

But that’s probably the best way to go about it, so let’s try.

For those of you lucky enough to have avoided templates, here is a reference. I’m willing to write a primer if anyone asks, but it’ll take to long to get into now.

using std::begin;

template <typename T>
decltype(std::declval<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides())) >::type >::type >().length())
circumference(T & p) {
	auto sides = p.sides();
	decltype(std::declval<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides())) >::type >::type >().length()) sum = 0;
	for (auto & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();
	return sum;

I want to take a second to talk about some of the magic in this code. It is all C++11 compatible. I’ll start by listing and explaining the building-blocks, and then go through how each is used above.

auto (reference) should already be familiar to most C++ developers. It is a handy shortcut. Rather than knowing the type of the return value of some function, the compiler does it for you. The compiler already knows the return type of p.sides(), so declaring auto sides = p.sides() gives the local variable sides the correct type.

decltype (reference) takes an expression, and infers the type of that expression. It is important to note that the expression isn’t actually evaluated. This is important since you don’t have to worry about side effects (e.g. if begin() can only be called once). So decltype(sides.begin()->length()) means ‘the return value of length, called on the dereferenced return value of begin, called on sides’.

std::declval (reference) returns a reference to an instance of the template parameter. So std::declval<T>() returns a reference to an instance of type T. syntactically, T & t = std::declval<T>(), but! Calls to std::declval cannot be evaluated. It causes a compiler error (e.g. a static_assert on g++ 7.2.1). That’s also why it’s important for the decltype argument to be unevaluated.

std::remove_const (reference) removes the topmost const of a type (not a value). If the given type is not a const, it is returned unchanged. The static member type returns the new type. So std::remove_const<const int>::type is the same as int. Note that it removes the topmost const. So std::remove_const<const int *>::type is still const int *, since the const refers to the dereferenced value, and not the pointer itself. On the other hand, std::remove_const<int * const>::type is int *, since the const in int * const refers to the pointer itself, and is in fact the topmost const. This is especially relevant for references, which are always constant. That’s why std::remove_reference is needed.

std::remove_reference (reference) makes the given type a non-reference. This means that given a type T & (or T &&), std::remove_reference can be used to obtain T. Like std::remove_const, the static member type returns the new type. If the given type is not a reference, it is returned unchanged.

typename tells the C++ compiler that what follows is a type, and not to mistake it for anything else. While it is obvious in this case (and indeed the compiler error said specifically to add typename) there are some cases where typename appears to remove ambiguity. I refer you here for an example, and more info.

begin returns an iterator pointing to the first element, or, if the container is empty, just beyond the last element. I want to take a step back and talk about range-based for loops in C++ first (reference).

In C++11, the following syntax for range-based for loops was added:

for (type & element : container) {
	// Do something

Which is, loosely speaking, shorthand for saying “iterate over all elements in container.” Loosely speaking, since I refuse to go into the quadzillion edge cases. So comes the question, how do we iterate over all the elements?

So there are three rules:

  1. If container is an array type, the iteration is over all elements in the array. The array size must be known.

  2. If container has the members begin() and end() (even if they are private and the types don’t match), the iteration starts at container.begin(), and increments the results as long as it’s different from container.end(). Note that the types may be different, as long as the inequality operator is defined. So, possibly, the code becomes similar to:

// for (auto & element : container)
auto __end = container.end();
for (auto it = container.begin(); it != __end; it++) {
	auto & element = *it;
	// Do something
  1. If the functions begin and end exist and are applicable for the type of container. So, possibly, the code becomes equivalent to:
// for (auto & element : container)
auto __end = end(container);
for (auto it = begin(container); it != __end; it++) {
	auto & element = *it;
	// Do something

std::begin (and std::end) are defined to return the above rules, i.e. for arrays, std::begin returns a pointer to the beginning of the array. For containers containing the begin and end members, these are called. begin (note the unqualified version) is expected to be overloaded for custom classes that do not have begin and end members, but can still be iterated. In order for begin to overload std::begin, we use using std::begin to bring std::begin to the local scope. In other words, using std::begin means that you can call begin directly, without qualifying it. This way, you will hit one of the overloads (either begin if it exists, and std::begin if it doesn’t). This raises an interesting question: What if I define a begin function specifically for list. Will it override list.begin() in a range-based for loop?

So, back to the point at hand, using the function begin gives me a unified, and hopefully accurate enough, way to get the type of the iterator.

So, the very long line:

decltype(std::declval<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides())) >::type >::type >().length())

Is completely unreadable. While testing this, I broke it down intto bite-sized aliases:

template <typename T>
using Side = decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides()));

template <typename T>
using UnqualifiedSide = typename std::remove_const<
			typename std::remove_reference<Side<T> >::type >::type ;

template <typename T>
using Length = decltype(std::declval<UnqualifiedSide<T> >().length());

An alias template (reference) allows you to write long template expression as a short template. In the example above, Side<T> is equivalent to decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides())). Side<T> is just a shorter, more readable alias.

First of all, we define Side<T>, which represends the type of objects returned by sides(). sides() can return a list, or vector, or any range-iterable object. Side<T> is the contained type of that object. In fact, you could replace the use of auto with:

	for (Side<T> side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();

And Side<T> already defines a reference, and a const. We’ll get to that in a minute. But first, how do we know what type is actually returned?

T is the type of the argument passed to the function circumference. Since T is a type and not an instance or reference, we call std::declval to get a (fictitious) reference to a T. On that reference, we call sides(). This returns a range-iterable object. The function begin returns an iterator to the first element in the object returned from sides(). Dereferencing this iterator (*...) returns the first element itself. Lastly, we wrap everything in decltype to get the type, and make sure this code is never executed.

If this code was executed, compilation would fail. You can’t execute an std::declval. This code also assumes that the object returned from sides() is not empty. But since we’re only doing a syntactic walk through the types, it’s not really a problem.

Now somewhere along the line, begin decided to return a const_iterator instead of an iterator. So the type of dereferenced element is const (this is Size<T>). If the length() method is not defined as const as well (say, the blog post writer was lazy), the compiler is a bit cross. So we have to use std::remove_const to fix that.

Only issue is, that Side<T> is also a reference. Calling std::remove_const on a reference is a no-op, since references are always constant, and std::remove_const removes only the top-level const. So we have to call std::remove_reference as well.

This is what UnqualifiedSide<T> does. It takes Side<T>, and removes its referenceness (makes it a non-reference, i.e. converts U& to U). It then makes it non-constant (i.e. converts const U to U). ::type is the way to get the type back from remove_*. We pepper the template with typenames so that the compiler knows these are types. At last, we have the type of element we iterate over.

We can now call length() on it. Except it’s a type, and we need an instance (or a reference). So std::declval again, and then we call length(). Lastly, we call decltype, since we want the type of the length, and not the actual length of this non-existent object.

Tra-daa! Length<T>, our return value, and type of summation.

Despite the complexity, this works even better than the Python version, since it works on anything that implements the add operator, and accepts 0 in the constructor (which we can solve with a parameter with a default value). I can definitely construct something that is initialised with 0, but can have strings added to it! (If you don’t get it, try running ‘0 + “hi”’ in python.)

Example Programme

So let’s build a small example programme for this. We’ll start by defining a simple Side class.

template <typename T> struct Side {
	T m_length;
	Side(T length) : m_length(length) {}
	T length() { return m_length; }

Basically, it is a container that returns it’s value via the length function.

Now we’ll define a polygon class:

struct Poly1 {
	std::vector<Side<int> > m_sides;
	Poly1(std::initializer_list<Side<int> > l) : m_sides(l) {}
	std::vector<Side<int> > sides() { return m_sides; }

Again, basically a container that returns the value given to the constructor.

And a simple main:

int main() {
	Poly1 p1({1,2,3});
	std::cout << PolyUtil::circumference(p1) << std::endl;
	return 0;

You can also go nuts and define a Poly2 class with a list instead of a vector, float instead of an int, and see how wonderfully it works.


So what’s the problem?

The code is a bit clunky. All these decltypes and std::declvals may be a bit daunting to developers who aren’t familiar with them, but you can send them this way to help them get settled in.

My big issue is this: what if I want to hide the logic in a .cpp file? This code works well if everything is in one file. But in a real project, different classes and utilities are in different files. Sometimes, even in different libraries. And sometimes, I don’t want my code to be recompiled, since perhaps it’s proprietary.

So let’s experiment. An .h file (say polyutil.h):

#ifndef POLY_H
#define POLY_H

#include <utility>  /* For std::declval */
namespace PolyUtil {
	using std::begin;

	template <typename T>
	using Side = decltype(*begin(std::declval<T>().sides()));

	template <typename T>
	using UnqualifiedSide = typename std::remove_const<
				typename std::remove_reference<Side<T> >::type >::type ;

	template <typename T>
	using Length = decltype(std::declval<UnqualifiedSide<T> >().length());

	template <typename T>
	Length<T> circumference(T &);

#endif // POLY_H

A .cpp library file (say polyutil.cpp):

template <typename T>
PolyUtil::Length<T> PolyUtil::circumference(T & p) {
	auto sides = p.sides();
	Length<T> sum = 0;
	for (auto & side : sides) {
		sum += side.length();
	return sum;

And our main:

template <typename T> struct Side {
	T m_length;
	Side(T length) : m_length(length) {}
	T length() { return m_length; }

struct Poly1 {
	std::vector<Side<int> > m_sides;
	Poly1(std::initializer_list<Side<int> > l) : m_sides(l) {}
	std::vector<Side<int> > sides() { return m_sides; }

int main() {
	PolyUtil pu;
	Poly1 p1({1,2,3});
	std::cout << pu.circumference(p1) << std::endl;
	return 0;

And flop! We get the following linker errors:

main.cpp:66: undefined reference to `decltype ((((declval<std::remove_const<std::remove_reference<decltype (*(begin((((declval<Poly1>)()).sides)())))>::type>::type>)()).length)()) PolyUtil::circumference<Poly1>(Poly1&)'

Why does this happen? Templated code in C++ is compiled for every template instantiation. As opposed to just once, when the code is encountered. Template instantiation happens only when the code is actually needed, e.g., when a templated function is called.

When the compiler instantiates T to be Poly1, as in our example, it looks for the compiled code. But it was not needed when compiling poly.cpp, so that code doesn’t exist.

In fact, since poly.cpp only contains the method definition, and nothing else (no calls), it doesn’t contain any circumference symbols. (You can try and compile the code, and run nm, and review the output if you don’t believe me. In fact, you shouldn’t believe me, and make sure I’m not fibbing).


Basically, we saw that C++ allows you to write duck-typed code. It has two main issues: It is clunky, and it can’t be hidden in a .cpp file.

I find the code clarity part a lesser issue. You can break up complex type inference code into small aliases. Having to put the code in the header file bothers me a bit more.

The original plan was to solve this problem, and maybe propose a solution for the clunkiness. However, just the introduction took a while, so I’m going to have to break here.