The Ramblings Of A Coder by Omer Anson

Codewalk: Dragonflow's Publish-Subscribe Infrastructure - Part 3 - Driver implementation

11 May 2016

In this three-parter I will go over and annotate the code for Dragonflow’s publish/subscribe mechanism. In this third part, I will go over and annotate two publish/subscribe driver implementations: ZMQ, and Redis. In Part 1 I introduced the API, and in Part 2 I went over code in Dragonflow which uses the API.


In the first part, I went over the API of Dragonflow’s publish/subscribe mechanism.

In the previous part, I went over two key locations which use the publish/subscribe API.

I’ll now show two drivers that implement the above API.

  1. ZMQ implements a multi-process publish/subscribe mechanism, since it binds and listens to a port on the controller.
  2. Redis implements only a cross-node publish/subscribe mechanism, since the Redis database also behaves as a broker.

Implementation Examples


ZMQ is the reference implementation. New drivers are encouraged to review this implementation as an example and reference.

The ZMQ driver is a multi-process publisher. Therefore, the manager, publisher, and subscriber have two implementation.

Unlike the previous section, I will review the ZMQ implementation top-down, i.e. I’ll first review the managers, then publisher abstract class and implementations, and then the subscriber abstract class and implementations.

The original code is available here.


The first manager is the cross-node manager. Since ZMQ is a multi-proc pub/sub mechanism, only the subscriber is loaded in NbApi, and the publisher is loaded in the publisher service.

class ZMQPubSub(pub_sub_api.PubSubApi):
    def __init__(self):
        # Removed ...

    def get_publisher(self):
        return self.publisher

    def get_subscriber(self):
        return self.subscriber

The get_publisher and get_subscriber methods implement the API as promised. They return the publisher and subscriber instances.

The __init__ method, which is where the real magic happens, is:

    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQPubSub, self).__init__()
        transport = cfg.CONF.df.publisher_transport
        if transport not in SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS:
            message = _LE("zmq_pub_sub: Unsupported publisher_transport value "
                "%(transport)s, expected %(expected)s")
            LOG.error(message % {
                'transport': transport,
                'expected': str(SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS)
            raise UnsupportedTransportException(transport=transport)
        self.subscriber = ZMQSubscriberAgent()
        self.publisher = ZMQPublisherAgent()

Firstly, it calls the super-class’ constructor. It then reads the transport from the configuration. ZMQ supports (at least) TCP, UDP, and EPGM. The code verifies that the transport is one of these. It raises an error otherwise.

This is the definition of SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS:

SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS = set(['tcp', 'epgm'])

Once the configuration is verified, the code creates a subscriber and publisher instances, and stores them as members. They are later retrieved with get_publisher and get_subscriber above.

The multi-process manager is very similar.

class ZMQPubSubMultiproc(pub_sub_api.PubSubApi):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQPubSubMultiproc, self).__init__()
        self.subscriber = ZMQSubscriberMultiprocAgent()
        self.publisher = ZMQPublisherMultiprocAgent()

    def get_publisher(self):
        return self.publisher

    def get_subscriber(self):
        return self.subscriber

Since the communication is within the node, and the protocol is defined by ZMQ (The protocol is ipc, and the socket is a unix socket filename), no verification is needed.

The manager only has to instantiate the publisher and subscriber instances, and save them as members. Note that these are different subscriber and publisher, specific for inter-process communication.


The inter-process and the inter-node publishers are very similar. Therefore, there is an abstract class that does most of the work.

class ZMQPublisherAgentBase(pub_sub_api.PublisherApi):
    def __init__(self):
        self.socket = None

The abstract class’ single member is the socket, through which the publisher sends events.

    # Necessary, since it appears in the abstract class
    def initialize(self):
        super(ZMQPublisherAgentBase, self).initialize()

Even though this method does nothing, it is implemented so that inheriting classes will not have to define it. The method itself must be defined, since it appears in the abstract class PublisherApi.

    def send_event(self, update, topic=None):
        #NOTE(gampel) In this reference implementation we develop a trigger
        #based pub sub without sending the value mainly in order to avoid
        #consistency issues in th cost of extra latency i.e get
        if update.action != 'log':
            update.value = None

        if topic:
            update.topic = topic
        elif update.topic:
            topic = update.topic.encode('utf-8')
            topic = db_common.SEND_ALL_TOPIC
            update.topic = topic
        json_data = jsonutils.dumps(update.to_dict())
        data = pub_sub_api.pack_message(json_data)
        self.socket.send_multipart([topic, data])
        LOG.debug("sending %s" % update)

The main task of the publisher is the send_event method. Given that the instance is already initialised, and the socket member is already set, the send_event method in this abstract class sends the event. It is the inheriting class’ responsibility to make sure socket is set-up correctly.

I’ll break down this method a bit more:

        #NOTE(gampel) In this reference implementation we develop a trigger
        #based pub sub without sending the value mainly in order to avoid
        #consistency issues in th cost of extra latency i.e get
        if update.action != 'log':
            update.value = None

As I said in Part 1, in this implementation, the value member of the update is always set to None. This is planned to be changed once database consistency and reliability are implemented.

        if topic:
            update.topic = topic
        elif update.topic:
            topic = update.topic.encode('utf-8')
            topic = db_common.SEND_ALL_TOPIC
            update.topic = topic

This code sets up the correct topic, or channel. The default topic is db_common.SEND_ALL_TOPIC. However, a specific topic can be set on the update instance. That topic can be overriden by the topic argument to the send_event method.

The block of code above implements this behaviour. It also sanitizes the topic to be encoded such that there will be no ‘special characters’.

        json_data = jsonutils.dumps(update.to_dict())
        data = pub_sub_api.pack_message(json_data)
        self.socket.send_multipart([topic, data])
        LOG.debug("sending %s" % update)

Lastly, the method encodes the data to a JSON string, and sends it to the socket. ZMQ’s API defines that when a message is sent on a specific channel, then the message is sent as a (channel, data) tuple.

Additionally, there is a debug log for the sent message.

The pack_message method serializes the data. It appears there is a bit of double-serialisation here, as jsonutils.dumps serialises the data to a json string.

Now we can review the two publisher implementations.

The ZMQPublisherAgent class implements the cross-node publisher. It is also defined here.

class ZMQPublisherAgent(ZMQPublisherAgentBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQPublisherAgent, self).__init__()
        self._endpoint = "{}://{}:{}".format(

    def initialize(self):
        super(ZMQPublisherAgent, self).initialize()

    def _connect(self):
        context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
        LOG.debug("about to bind to network socket: %s" % self._endpoint)

Firstly, it inherits the abstract class ZMQPublisherAgentBase.

The __init__ (constructor) method reads the address and port to bind. It includes the transport, address, and port. e.g. if the transport is tcp, port 1234, and any IP address, the resulting endpoint will be tcp://*:1234.

The initialize method connects the socket, i.e. it calls the _connect method. The _connect method creates a ZMQ context and a socket of type publisher. Then it binds the socket and listens to the address and port defined in the constructor. The socket is set to the socket member.

The ZMQPublisherMultiprocAgent class implements the inter-process publisher. It is also defined here.

class ZMQPublisherMultiprocAgent(ZMQPublisherAgentBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQPublisherMultiprocAgent, self).__init__()
        self.ipc_socket = cfg.CONF.df.publisher_multiproc_socket

    def _connect(self):
        context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        LOG.debug("about to connect to IPC socket: %s" % self.ipc_socket)
        self.socket.connect('ipc://%s' % self.ipc_socket)

    def send_event(self, update, topic=None):
        if not self.socket:
        super(ZMQPublisherMultiprocAgent, self).send_event(update, topic)

It also inherits the abstract class ZMQPublisherAgentBase. However, in this class, the connection is done using the lazy pattern. Therefore, the initialize method is not defined, and inherits the empty implementation from the base class.

The __init__ (constructor) method simply reads the socket file from configuration. This is a UNIX socket filename, over which the communication between processes will be sent.

The _connect method connects to the multi-process subscriber. It creates a ZMQ context, and a PUSH socket. The socket member is set to hold the ZMQ socket. It then connects using the UNIX socket read from configuration. When there are multiple writers (e.g. a Neutron service per CPU core) and a single reader (e.g. the publisher service), the communication is of type PUSH/PULL.

The send_event method sends the update via the base class. However, it first verifies that the publisher is connected, and connects (by calling _connect) if it isn’t.


Like the publisher, the subscriber has a cross-node implementation and an inter-process implementation. Both extend the base class ZMQSubscriberAgentBase. All three are also available here.

class ZMQSubscriberAgentBase(pub_sub_api.SubscriberAgentBase):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).__init__()
        self.sub_socket = None

    def register_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).register_listen_address(uri)
        #TODO(gampel)interrupt the sub socket recv and reconnect

    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the publisher"""

    def unregister_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).unregister_listen_address(uri)
        #TODO(gampel)interrupt the sub socket recv and reconnect

    def register_topic(self, topic):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).register_topic(topic)
        topic = topic.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        if self.sub_socket:
            self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic)

    def unregister_topic(self, topic):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).unregister_topic(topic)
        topic = topic.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        if self.sub_socket:
            self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.UNSUBSCRIBE, topic)

    def run(self):
        self.sub_socket = self.connect()"Starting  Subscriber on ports %(endpoints)s ")
                % {'endpoints': str(self.uri_list)})
        while True:
                [topic, data] = self.sub_socket.recv_multipart()
                entry_json = pub_sub_api.unpack_message(data)
                message = jsonutils.loads(entry_json)
            except Exception as e:
                self.sub_socket = self.connect()
                self.db_changes_callback(None, None, 'sync', None, None)

To make things easier, I’ll review this class in bite-sized chunks as well.


class ZMQSubscriberAgentBase(pub_sub_api.SubscriberAgentBase):

As expected, the base class extends the SubscriberAgentBase abstract class we saw above, which implements the SubscriberApi.

    def __init__(self):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).__init__()
        self.sub_socket = None

    def connect(self):
        """Connect to the publisher"""

The __init__ (constructor) method calls the parent method, and initialises the sub_socket member to None. This member will hold the subscriber’s ZMQ connection, from which it reads events.

The method connect is declared but not implemented. Subclasses are expected to implement this method to initialise the sub_socket member.

    def register_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).register_listen_address(uri)
        #TODO(gampel)interrupt the sub socket recv and reconnect

    def unregister_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).unregister_listen_address(uri)
        #TODO(gampel)interrupt the sub socket recv and reconnect

These methods do not add funcitonality over their overriden counterparts. When a URI is added or removed, the relevant connection should be made or destroyed. This isn’t the case yet, and the comments in the code are there to remind that it needs to be added.

    def register_topic(self, topic):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).register_topic(topic)
        topic = topic.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        if self.sub_socket:
            self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic)

    def unregister_topic(self, topic):
        super(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase, self).unregister_topic(topic)
        topic = topic.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        if self.sub_socket:
            self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.UNSUBSCRIBE, topic)

In addition to calling the base methods which add and remove the topic to the topic list, the register_topic and unregister_topic also subscribe and unsubscribe to the given topic (or channel) on the ZMQ socket, if it is already connected (i.e. if it already exists).

    def run(self):
        self.sub_socket = self.connect()"Starting  Subscriber on ports %(endpoints)s ")
                % {'endpoints': str(self.uri_list)})
        while True:
                [topic, data] = self.sub_socket.recv_multipart()
                entry_json = pub_sub_api.unpack_message(data)
                message = jsonutils.loads(entry_json)
            except Exception as e:
                self.sub_socket = self.connect()
                self.db_changes_callback(None, None, 'sync',

The run method connects the subscriber to the publishers. It then repeatedly waits until an event is received by ZMQ. It parses the events, and passes it to the callback. The callback was given to the initialize method, defined on the base class.

In case of error, the connection is restarted by calling sub_socket.close() and connect, and a re-sync event is sent via the callback.

Recall that this method is run in a separate thread. This is an important implementation detail, which allows us to wait in a While True: loop.

There are two extensions to this class. The cross-node subscriber, and inter-process subscriber. Both only implement the connect method, declared in the base class ZMQSubscriberAgentBase.

The cross-node subscriber is implemented by ZMQSubscriberAgent.

class ZMQSubscriberAgent(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase):
    def connect(self):
        context = zmq.Context()
        socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
        for uri in self.uri_list:
            #TODO(gampel) handle exp zmq.EINVAL,zmq.EPROTONOSUPPORT
            LOG.debug("about to connect to network publisher at %s" % uri)
        for topic in self.topic_list:
            socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic)
        return socket

ZMQSubscriberAgent implements the connect method which creates a ZMQ context, and a subscriber socket (as opposed to publisher, push, or pull). It then connects to every URI in the URI list, and registers to every topic (or channel) in the topic list.

Recall that the URI and topic lists are maintained by the base class SubscriberAgentBase.

The inter-process subscriber ZMQSubscriberMultiprocAgent is very similar.

class ZMQSubscriberMultiprocAgent(ZMQSubscriberAgentBase):
    def connect(self):
        context = zmq.Context()
        inproc_server = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
        ipc_socket = cfg.CONF.df.publisher_multiproc_socket
        LOG.debug("about to bind to IPC socket: %s" % ipc_socket)
        inproc_server.bind('ipc://%s' % ipc_socket)
        return inproc_server

In ZMQSubscriberMultiprocAgent’s implementation of connect, it also creates a ZMQ context, and a socket of type PULL (Since there is one subscriber, but many publishers; i.e. a publisher per CPU core). The connection address is the IPC socket (the UNIX socket filename), to which it binds and waits for publishers to connect.


The Redis implementation is slightly simpler, since Redis is a broker based publish/subscribe mechanism, with the database as a broker. This means that inter-process (multiproc) implementations are not needed, and that the broker manages some of the bookkeeping.

The Redis’ driver implementation is available here.


The Redis’ driver manager is very similar to ZMQ’s:

class RedisPubSub(pub_sub_api.PubSubApi):

    def __init__(self):
        super(RedisPubSub, self).__init__()
        self.subscriber = RedisSubscriberAgent()
        self.publisher = RedisPublisherAgent()
        self.redis_mgt = None

    def get_publisher(self):
        return self.publisher

    def get_subscriber(self):
        return self.subscriber

It also creates a publisher and subscriber instances in the __init__ (constructor) method, and stores them to the relevant members. The get_publisher and get_subscriber also behave as simple getters to these members.


The Redis’ driver publisher is implemented in RedisPublisherAgent.

class RedisPublisherAgent(pub_sub_api.PublisherApi):

    def __init__(self):
        super(RedisPublisherAgent, self).__init__()
        self.remote = None
        self.client = None
        self.redis_mgt = None

    def initialize(self):
        # find a publisher server node
        super(RedisPublisherAgent, self).initialize()
        self.redis_mgt = RedisMgt.get_instance(cfg.CONF.df.remote_db_ip,
        self.remote = self.redis_mgt.pubsub_select_node_idx()
        ip_port = self.remote.split(':')
        self.client = redis.client.StrictRedis(host=ip_port[0],

    def send_event(self, update, topic=None):
        if topic:
            update.topic = topic
        local_topic = update.topic
        event_json = jsonutils.dumps(update.to_dict())
        local_topic = local_topic.encode('utf8')
        data = pub_sub_api.pack_message(event_json)
        self.client.publish(local_topic, data)

The __init__ constructor method only initialises the members to None. The members are:

The initialize method connects to the Redis database (or broker). It gets the RedisMgt instance, and queries it for a node to use for Publish/Subscribe. The node is returned as an ‘IP:port’ string and has to be split to IP and port (the 0th and 1st elements in ip_port). Then a StrictRedis instance is created to connect to the given node, and saved as the client member.

The send_event method sends the given update. Similar to ZMQ’s send_event, it allows overriding the topic, then encodes it as a JSON, and packs the message. The resulting message is published using StrictRedis API, which will eventually call Redis’ PUBLISH command.


The subscriber is implemented in RedisSubscriberAgent. The implementation is fairly straight-forwards, especially after we have seen the ZMQ subscriber implementation. However, it is a bit long, so I will go over it in chunks.

class RedisSubscriberAgent(pub_sub_api.SubscriberAgentBase):

    def __init__(self):
        super(RedisSubscriberAgent, self).__init__()
        self.remote = []
        self.client = None
        self.ip = ""
        self.plugin_updates_port = ""
        self.pub_sub = None
        self.redis_mgt = None

As expected, the class inherits the SubscriberAgentBase base class.

The __init__ (constructor) method initialises the following members:

    def initialize(self, callback):
        # find a subscriber server node and run daemon
        super(RedisSubscriberAgent, self).initialize(callback)
        self.redis_mgt = RedisMgt.get_instance(cfg.CONF.df.remote_db_ip,
        self.remote = self.redis_mgt.pubsub_select_node_idx()
        ip_port = self.remote.split(':')
        self.client = \
            redis.client.StrictRedis(host=ip_port[0], port=ip_port[1])
        self.ip = ip_port[0]
        self.plugin_updates_port = ip_port[1]
        self.pub_sub = self.client.pubsub()

The initialize method connects to the Redis database (or broker), and initialises the pub_sub member.

It begins by setting the redis_mgt member to an instance of RedisMgt. It then queries that instance for a publish/subscribe node to which it can connect. The result is an ‘IP:port’ string, which is split to an IP address and port number.

The client member is then initialised to a StrictRedis instance connecting to the given node. Additionally, the ip and plugin_updates_port members are set to the IP and port of the node.

Lastly, the pub_sub member is set to the pubsub element in the Redis client.

    def register_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(RedisSubscriberAgent, self).register_listen_address(uri)

    def unregister_listen_address(self, uri):
        super(RedisSubscriberAgent, self).unregister_listen_address(uri)

    def register_topic(self, topic):

    def unregister_topic(self, topic):

In the Redis implementation, adding and removing a URI has no real meaning, since all Pub/Sub communication is done with the broker and the assigned node. Therefore, in this implementation, the URIs are only passed to the abstract class. In fact, it looks like they can be removed.

Redis’ pub/sub code maintains the topics (or channels) to which the subscriber listens. Therefore, when registering to or unregistering from a topic, register_topic and unregister_topic simply pass the command to Redis’ pub/sub driver.

    def run(self):
        while True:
                for data in self.pub_sub.listen():
                    if 'subscribe' == data['type']:
                    if 'unsubscribe' == data['type']:
                    if 'message' == data['type']:
                        entry = pub_sub_api.unpack_message(data['data'])
                        entry_json = jsonutils.loads(entry)

            except Exception as e:
                    connection = self.pub_sub.connection
                    self.db_changes_callback(None, None, 'sync', None, None)
                except Exception as e:
                    LOG.exception(_LE("reconnect error %(ip)s:%(port)s")
                                  % {'ip': self.ip,
                                     'port': self.plugin_updates_port})

In the Redis driver, run also has an infinite while loop, that conitnuously listens to events from Redis’ pub/sub code. If the event type is ‘subscribe’ or ‘unsubscribe’, these are subscription events that can be ignored.

A real event arrives when the event type is message. In which case, the event data is the json string we constructed in the publisher’s send_event. We extract it here, unpack it, and parse it to a python dictionary. We then call the callback method db_changes_callback (which was provided in the call to initialize) with the parameters from the event.

In case an error occurs, either in the Redis code, or in the callback code, we issue a warning, and try to reconnect to the node. Additionally, we send a re-sync event to the callback method, in case any database update events were lost.


In this part we have seen two implementations of the publish/subscribe API, namely ZMQ, and Redis.

In this three parter I went over the publish/subscribe API, its usage, and two implementations of it (ZMQ, and Redis).